Litwithprayer Weekly
Litwithprayer Podcast
Are You Sleeping With Your Enemy?

Are You Sleeping With Your Enemy?


Are You Sleeping With Your Enemy? - Part 1 of 2  Judges 13-16

Samson was born with a special calling to be a warrior leader over his people, the Israelites. Before he was born an angel of God came to Samson’s mother, who was barren (could not have children) at the time, and told her that she would give birth to a son who would lead their people. He was to be a Nazerite, dedicated to the service of God, and he was to abstain from alcohol, any fermented drinks, grapes/raisins, anything unclean, and could not cut his hair.  Samson’s mother was instructed by the angel not to partake of alcohol or fermented drinks as well during her pregnancy.

Samson ruled Israel for twenty years and protected Israel from their enemies. Their enemies were the Philistines who worshipped idols and their pagan god, Dagon. Samson had supernatural strength from God that he could kill a lion with his bare hands and in a battle he slew 1000 Philistine warriors using a jawbone of a donkey as his weapon.

Although Samson’s parents instructed and encouraged him to find a wife among their own people, who worshipped the God of Israel, Samson chose to spend time with Philistine women who were idol worshippers.  He even married one who betrayed him at his wedding feast. He was so enraged that he went out and slew 30 Philistines and took their clothing to pay his wedding companions. Still upset Samson left his wife with her family and he went back home to his parent's place.

As a Nazerite, Samson was to live a holy life and follow the laws of God. Samson allowed his passions, desires, anger, and revenge to take over at times and he suffered the consequences. When he later returned to get his Philistine wife he found that his father-in-law had given his wife to the best man who was at the wedding.

Although God had a plan for Samson’s life, Samson made choices based on his strong emotions and desires. Samson would continue to make poor choices with women and revenge, but redemption would come later. Like Samson, we at times make mistakes and allow our emotions to take over and then suffer the consequences of our actions.

Thank God, our past mistakes do not define us and when we have Jesus as our Savior, He continues to work with us to overcome our weaknesses. When we are weak, He is strong within us. We can overcome because he has empowered us with His Spirit and His Word. Jesus will never leave us and He has given us His supernatural power to change us and help us in every area of our lives.  When we make decisions we need God’s wisdom.  God tells us if we lack wisdom, to ask Him and He will generously give us His wisdom. (James 1:5)

Personal Development Tip of the Week:

Last week I made a YouTube video on challenging yourself this Month to do something personally, physically, spiritually. 

If you would like to join me in this challenge check out this video below where I share my personal challenge and how you can do the same for yourself! 

Prayer for the week:  

Dear Heavenly Father, I am praying over this individual's new week ahead. Thank God it’s Monday lord and I'm praying for this person reading or listening to this right now to seek you father in all that they do this week. When they are challenged this week lord to come to you and ask you for guidance because your wisdom and love supersedes anything we might be able to do ourselves. I’m praying for healing, direction, and a mighty week ahead in Jesus name amen! 


PS. If you would like to support us consider checking out and picking up our devotional prayer journal to our new pieces of Christian-based Jewelry.

Litwithprayer Weekly
Litwithprayer Podcast
Sharing Bible Stories, Personal Development Tips, and Prayers to help you continue to grow closer to God.