Litwithprayer Weekly
Litwithprayer Podcast
Can You Trust God’s timing?

Can You Trust God’s timing?

(I Samuel 19; 21; 24)

Can you trust God’s timing? (I Samuel 19; 21; 24)

Before a monarchy was established in Israel, the prophets and judges were the leaders of the Jewish people. The people did not want to continue with prophets and judges as their leaders but wanted to have a king. They approached the prophet Samuel who went to God and God chose Saul, a tall, handsome, and courageous warrior to be the first King of Israel.  

As the new king, Saul was to keep the commandments of God and lead his people so they could live in peace and in God’s blessings. They had the Mosaic law (10 commandments under the leadership of Moses) as well as many other traditions and regulations that were to be followed. God used the prophet, Samuel, to advise King Saul in many matters, especially those regarding war with their enemies, the Philistines.

However, Saul allowed his emotions of anger and pride to get in the way, and he made some bad decisions and disobeyed God’s messages that came through the prophet Samuel. During Saul’s reign, David, the shepherd boy, became a hero when he slayed the Philistine giant named Goliath. David went on to become a great warrior and Saul started looking at David as a threat to his throne. As battles against the Philistines were won, the people started singing songs of celebration about Saul and David.  One day King Saul became very angry when he heard the people sing, “Saul has slain his thousands and David his ten thousands!” Saul was so jealous and angry that he became more obsessed about killing David. Instead of focusing on the real enemy, the Philistines, King Saul was blinded by his jealousy and hatred towards David and diverted more of his attention to go after him.

Although the prophet Samuel had anointed David to be the next king of Israel, David continued to be on the run to escape being killed. There was one occasion when David and his men were hiding in a cave and King Saul came into the cave alone to urinate. David could have killed the King, but he did not and instead cut off a piece of his robe. David later showed King Saul that he could have killed him but did not. Although David’s men thought that God provided this opportunity to kill Saul, David responded that Saul was God’s anointed and in God’s timing, God would replace him, but not by his own hands.

King Saul and his sons would later die in battle against the Philistines. David mourned the death of Saul and his best friend, Jonathan, Saul’s son.  David takes the throne as Israel's second king and from his lineage comes Jesus Christ.

We have two leaders, Saul and David, both chosen by God. One allowed his emotions to rule his actions and the other trusted God and His timing. David respected God’s anointed King Saul but knew that his time would come in God’s timing. The lesson is to trust God in everything and not allow the negative emotions of jealousy and pride to get in the way. We all struggle with those emotions depending on our circumstances, but we have the Holy Spirit to help us in our struggles. When you are tempted in those negative areas, reach out to the Lord and He will be there to strengthen and help you. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

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Personal Development Tip of the week: 

Let’s talk about focus today. Keeping your focus on God’s plan for your life and goals is critical.

The enemy on the other hand wants to distract you away from anything that helps you move toward God’s plan for your life.

My pastor this past weekend at church had an interesting thought to share on this when he said, “if the devil can’t destroy you, he will distract you so you destroy yourself.

Can you remember a time in your life that because you were distracted you did something that hurt you physically, mentally, or spiritually? We all can and that’s why working on your focus is so important.

Do you focus more on what’s missing in your life or what you have? That simple example of focus can greatly impact the emotional state you live in.

Remember, when you accept Jesus into your life nothing is missing from having peace, success, joy, happiness, etc. The world is just great at trying to distract you into I will be happy when syndrome, which is trap. 

You can be happy right now today while working towards your goals, dreams, and God’s plan for your life because that’s a choice. But it’s one only you can make.

Change your focus change your life.

Question for you? What’s one thing you do to keep you focused in your week?

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Prayer for the week: 

Father God, thank you for the new week ahead of me. Bless me to keep growing to know you more each day and be someone who can impact others with the great news of you and your love for us. Guide me and protect me this week to make good decisions and to lean into your purpose for my life in Jesus name Amen.

PS. If you would like to support us consider checking out and picking up our devotional prayer journal to our new pieces of Christian-based Jewelry.

Do you know Jesus?

If you have never asked Jesus to be the leader of your life and forgive you of all your sins, this is the right time to act. Pray this simple prayer and believe it in your heart: “Dear God, Your Word says that You loved me so much that You sent Your Son Jesus to die on the cross for me. I want to be saved and have all my sins forgiven, past, present, and future. Forgive me now as I receive Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. You promised me salvation and an abundant life. I believe and receive Your free gift. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit and help me grow stronger in You each day, in Jesus name I pray, Amen.” (John 3:16)

Litwithprayer Weekly
Litwithprayer Podcast
Sharing Bible Stories, Personal Development Tips, and Prayers to help you continue to grow closer to God.