Litwithprayer Weekly
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Knowing Your Purpose. Exodus chapter 2

Knowing Your Purpose. Exodus chapter 2

Knowing Your Purpose. Exodus chapter 2

As we approach Passover, we are reminded of one of the most important stories in Judeo-Christian history. Over three thousand years ago the Israelites (Hebrews, Jews) were freed from Egyptian slavery after living in Egypt for 400 years. The Pharaoh (ruler/king of Egypt), at that time, had either forgotten or had never been taught the history of the Israelites, who with God’s direction, had saved Egypt from a 7 year famine, and prospered the Pharaohs’ wealth and power position in the world during that time. 

Not only had history been forgotten, the Pharaoh had feared that the Israelites were growing too much in population and may seek to overthrow his government. He enslaved the Jews and put out a command to kill all of the infant boys so that their population of men would not grow and become strong. However, one mother, put her baby, in a waterproof basket, and sent him into the Nile River. His older sister, Miriam, followed the water basket to see where it would go. It happened to float into the river bath of the daughter of Pharaoh who was with her maidens. The princess heard the baby cry and had one of her maidens fetch the basket. When she saw the baby, she loved him, and although she knew he was a Hebrew she wanted him as her son. Moses’ sister saw this and quickly approached the princess and told her that she knew of a wet nurse (a woman who could breastfeed a baby after giving birth) that could take care of the baby. The princess agreed and paid to have Moses’ mother bring him up until he was older so he could become her son.

Moses grew up in privilege, was well educated, and learned the ways of the Egyptians. Because his natural mother brought him up he also learned about his people, the Israelites. When Moses was older he witnessed one of the Egyptians beating up one of the Hebrew slaves. He was so angered, thinking no one was watching, he killed the Egyptian abuser and covered up his crime by burying the body. The next day Moses returned and saw two Hebrews fighting with each other. He tried to break up the fight, then one of them said, “will you kill me too like you did the Egyptian?” Frightened that his crime had been witnessed Moses ran for his life and left Egypt to become a shepherd in a land called Midian, an area away from Egypt. Forty years later God calls Moses to go back to Egypt to get his people out.  

Sometimes in life, we make poor choices that disrupt our God given purposes. God saved Moses as a baby so that he could one day free his people. He, however, allowed his anger and emotions to take over when he killed the Egyptian abuser. Although Moses may have been justified in his own eyes, to his fellow kindred, he was worse than the abuser. In the eyes of Pharaoh, he had broken the law and would be subject to death. God can take our messes and turn them around for our good, but it may take time so that we can grow in wisdom and leadership. Ask God to give you wisdom and grace so that you find your purpose without the costly mistakes. (Gen. 50:20; James 1:5; Jer. 29:11)

Personal Development Tip of the Week:

 God has a special calling on your life that he put inside you from the moment you were born.

It takes us time to figure out what that purpose is. Ask yourself today, what am I naturally good at and what am I interested in? I do believe that your God given purpose in your life is an intersection between what you are naturally good at and what also interests you. 

The quality of your life is determined by the quality of questions you ask yourself each day. Remember to ask yourself questions like this each day because you will get answers that can help take you down the path to finding that out for yourself.

Maybe it’s being a great mom or dad, or a doctor, lawyer, engineer, etc. These things take time to figure out and we have to go through that process of trial and error. Please remember today that anything that you do in your life when it comes to your career was put in you by God from the moment you took your first breath.

Your God given purpose can be so many things and as you continue to grow in your faith each day that comes out in the person you are. Trust the process and know God’s timing in your life is perfect and it’s okay to try many things. 

You have a purpose in your life and while you're here on this earth keep seeking that purpose and follow what you feel is right for you. 

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Prayer for the week:  

Dear Heavenly Father, I am praying over this individual's week ahead. I pray that they remember that they were made in the image of God with Gifts, Talents, and a special calling on their life. Bless them to keep seeking that each day if they haven't found that yet and to remember that you lord are taking them to great heights this year in Jesus name I claim amen! 


PS: We just released a limited run of Philippians 4:13 Bracelets. If you would like to support us and pick one up check them out here:

Litwithprayer Weekly
Litwithprayer Podcast
Sharing Bible Stories, Personal Development Tips, and Prayers to help you continue to grow closer to God.