Litwithprayer Weekly
Litwithprayer Podcast
Remembering God's Power

Remembering God's Power

Exodus 10-13

Remembering God’s Power (Exodus 10-13)

When the Israelites were suffering under the slavery of Egypt, God called Moses to be their deliverer. God had already told Moses and his brother Aaron that Pharaoh would be very resistant and God would show his power to him and all of Egypt. Although a series of plagues including the Nile River turning to blood and killing the fish, an infestation of frogs, swarms of gnats biting people and livestock, blood-sucking flies, animals dying, a breakout of boils and sores on the people and animals, heavy rain and huge balls of hail that destroyed crops and injured/killed livestock and people, swarms of locusts that ate the leftover crops, and thick darkness lasting 3 days, Pharaoh would not let the people go. Throughout these plagues, Pharaoh would say “yes I’ll let the people go, just stop the current plague,” and then change his mind after the plague had stopped. He would go back and forth, but never let them go until the last plague. Meanwhile, the Israelites were not affected by any of the plagues. 

The last plague was the game-changer. Moses instructed his people to ask the Egyptians for jewels, gold, silver, and clothing. God gave them favor and the  Egyptians gladly gave them what they asked. These items of value were for their journey out of Egypt and was compensation for the many years of slave labor. Moses told each family to prepare a feast of unleavened bread, bitter herbs, and roasted lamb for each household. It was extremely important that they smeared the blood of the lamb on the sides and the top of the doorway into their houses. Everyone had to stay in their houses until morning because the death angel would be moving throughout Egypt and would “pass over” any dwelling that had the blood of the lamb on the doorposts and lintel. That night the death angel visited each unprotected family and every first born, both man and beast, died, including Pharoah’s first born son. With death all over Egypt, Pharaoh was now willing to let the Israelites go and wanted them out immediately. The Egyptian people who had suffered from the plagues wanted them out and were willing to give them gold, silver, jewels, livestock, and everything they needed to leave Egypt permanently. 

From that time on the Israelites/Jews continue to celebrate Passover to commemorate their passage from slavery out of Egypt to freedom to worship their God and journey to the promised land filled with fruitfulness and prosperity. 

When Jesus Christ was on the earth, he celebrated Passover with his disciples. During the last supper with them, Jesus took unleavened bread, gave thanks, broke it, and passed it out to them. He said that the bread was His body that was given to them and in like manner He took the cup, gave thanks, and said it was His blood covenant that was poured out for them and for the forgiveness of sins. As Christians, we remember what Jesus did for us, by taking part of what is known as  Holy Communion today. As often as we practice taking the bread and the cup (even at home during our devotional time) we remember Jesus’ death on the cross. He was the sacrificial Lamb of God who died and took our punishment of sin so that we could be saved. He was and is our “Passover” from death to life. When you accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, you receive His forgiveness of sins, and you are entitled to everything that Jesus came to give you. The new covenant is a covenant of love, grace, and faith that gives you salvation in every area of your life. When you receive Jesus, you become part of His family. The proof that this was and is true, was in the resurrection of Jesus, who arose from the dead after 3 days and 3 nights and was seen for many days by his disciples and at least 500 people before He ascended into heaven. If you don’t know Jesus, now is a good time to ask Him to forgive you of your sins and ask Him to become your Lord personal savior.  (I Cor. 11:23-26; John 3:16; John 1:12)

Personal Development Tip of the Week: Do you set goals for your life? 

If not I just made a new YouTube Video on how to set and achieve goals below. I would love for you to watch it and let me know if it helps! 

Video Link Here:

Prayer for the week:  

Dear Heavenly Father, I am praying over this individual's week ahead. I pray your grace and favor surround their life today lord and this week. Guide them, direct them, and lead them to great heights this week in Jesus name amen! 


PS: If you would like more tools and resources to help you get closer to God consider checking out our New 31 Day Devotional Prayer Journal available at

Litwithprayer Weekly
Litwithprayer Podcast
Sharing Bible Stories, Personal Development Tips, and Prayers to help you continue to grow closer to God.