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Litwithprayer Podcast
The Apostle Paul and the Unknown god
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -5:50

The Apostle Paul and the Unknown god (Acts 17)

The Apostle Paul was a very educated scholar in the scriptures and was one of the religious leaders called a pharisee. He was also the son of a pharisee. Paul, a Jew, was also a Roman citizen which gave him additional rights under Roman law, especially when the Jews were trying to imprison him.

God called Paul to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, the risen savior, to both Jews and Gentiles. In many of his travels to various cities outside of Israel, he would find Jewish synagogues and go and preach and argue the scriptures with those who would listen. Many believed and became Christians but others were angry and tried to imprison him. Paul would flee to another city to avoid imprisonment. On one such occasion, Paul left the northern area of Greece and headed for Athens. The other brothers in Christ would join him later.

Paul was distressed when he saw that the city of Athens was full of idols. He went into the Jewish synagogues and the public marketplace to debate and continue to proclaim the gospel of Jesus and His resurrection. There was a group of philosophers called epicureans and stoics who began debating with him. The Greeks were very interested in philosophy and new ideas and were curious about what Paul had to say. They took Paul to a forum called Areopagus where he could address the thought leaders of the city.

Paul got up and said,  “People of Athens! I see that in every way you are very religious. For as I walked around and looked carefully at your objects of worship, I even found an altar with this inscription: to an unknown god. So you are ignorant of the very thing you worship—and this is what I am going to proclaim to you.” He continued, “The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by human hands. And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything. Rather, he himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else.” Paul continued to preach the gospel of Jesus and His resurrection. Some scoffed and others became believers.

Like the days of Paul, when the gospel is proclaimed, there will be scoffers who reject the good news, and then there will be those who believe and accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. When we don’t know the true God, we make our own idols hoping that they will bless and help us. An idol can be money, status, our looks, other people, and material things. Why seek worldly idols when we have the great creator who loves and cares for each of us? 

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Personal Development Tip of the week: 

Would you consider yourself someone who has high energy or low energy? I ask that because the level of energy you have each day is going to be a big factor in helping you accomplish everything God has planned for your life.

It’s much easier to continue to build your relationship with God each day when you feel high levels of energy so what helps create high energy in your life?

I consider myself someone who has a lot of energy and I mean a lot. If you have been on any of my live streams or seen any one of my videos you probably already know that but what you might not know is that it always wasn’t like this. This is something I had to work on for years but high energy is something we can all create and have each day I truly believe.

Let me give you some of the biggest keys that have helped me create a lot of energy in my day-to-day life.

  1. Creating a morning and evening routine that you can stick to. 

  2. Doing something physical each day and I don’t just mean working. (Anything that gets you to move your body)

  3. Self-talk - The words you speak over your life each day have so much power behind so make sure you are building yourself up each day not tearing yourself down. (This one has been of the biggest!)

Question for you? What’s one thing you can add to your day-to-day routine that will help support you in having a consistently high level of energy? 

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Prayer for the week: 

Father God, bless me as I step into this new week ahead. I trust you lord to guide me, protect me, and continually help me grow in my walk with you. I know you have a great plan and purpose for my life bigger than I might be able to see now but each day I grow in my confidence to fulfill your plan for my life. Thank you for loving me so much and always being there for me in Jesus name Amen. 

PS. If you would like to support us consider checking out and picking up our devotional prayer journal to our new pieces of Christian-based Jewelry.

Do you know Jesus?

If you have never asked Jesus to be the leader of your life and forgive you of all your sins, this is the right time to act. Pray this simple prayer and believe it in your heart: “Dear God, Your Word says that You loved me so much that You sent Your Son Jesus to die on the cross for me. I want to be saved and have all my sins forgiven, past, present, and future. Forgive me now as I receive Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. You promised me salvation and an abundant life. I believe and receive Your free gift. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit and help me grow stronger in You each day, in Jesus name I pray, Amen.” (John 3:16)

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