Sep 20, 2022Liked by Litwithprayer - Letter

I found myself worrying tonight so I took the advice from Kasey, and sang to The Lord Our GOD, HOLY HOLY HOLY.. After singing for a bit I felt an inner peace. Then a warm tingle in my body, which I believe was the Holy Spirit. I will do this for now on whenever I worry, because it works. Thank you Kasey, and GOD bless you for helping me.

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Litwithprayer - Letter

Appreciate your commitment and your consistency

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Litwithprayer - Letter

I find myself worrying a lot about the future. And I’ve been told worry is lack of faith. Im trying to pray more instead of worrying.

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Aug 31, 2022Liked by Litwithprayer - Letter

Love love this! Ooooh the power of your words!! Yes I believe it and I’ve seen it!! I’ve seen it both ways!

It wasn’t until you encouraging us daily to speak God promises as much as possible did I notice a dramatic difference in my life! I’ve always tried to speak “positive” which is also helpful, but there is just something about speaking Gods TRUTH and promises in your life that really just lights a fire under ya! Thank you 🙏 ♥️

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