Litwithprayer Weekly
Litwithprayer Podcast
Week 6: Victory Overcomes a Death Sentence

Week 6: Victory Overcomes a Death Sentence

Victory Overcomes a Death Sentence: Esther 5-10

On the third day, Queen Esther approached the king’s inner court as she had promised Mordecai. God gave her favor in the king’s eyes and he raised his golden scepter acknowledging that she had permission to approach him without harm. He asked her what her request was and said he was willing to give her up to half of his kingdom. Instead of begging for her life and the lives of her people she invited the king and Haman to attend a banquet that she had prepared for the king. The king and Haman attended the banquet and again the king asked Esther if she had a request for him. She answered that she wanted both of them to attend another banquet the next day and she would answer him.

The king and Haman had no idea that Esther was related to Mordecai and that she was a Jew. That evening the King could not sleep and he asked his servant to read from the book of the Chronicles. In reading, he was reminded of what Mordecai had done in saving his life. Finding that nothing had been done to honor Mordecai he pondered on what should be done.  

At this time Haman had entered the outer court and intended to ask the king to allow him to hang Mordecai from the gallows he had prepared for his death. The king asked who was there and being told it was Haman he had him enter and asked what should be done to the man that the king wants to honor? Right away Haman thought that the king wanted to honor him so he suggested that the king's royal robe be put on the person and that the person be paraded around the city on the king's horse with a noble declaring that this was the person the king wanted to honor. The king loved the idea and told Haman to go and honor Mordecai and parade him around the city! 

The next day Haman did as the king requested and was so embarrassed that he covered his head on his way home. Soon he was called to Esther’s banquet and had to leave his house. During the banquet, the king asked Esther for her request up to half of his kingdom. At this time she asked for her life and that of her people the Jews. The king asked who has done this evil thing and Esther replied that it was the wicked Haman who was there with them. 

The king granted Esther’s request and was so angry at Haman that he had him hung on his own gallows and he gave Haman’s property to Esther. A decree went out to stop the destruction of the Jews and those that tried to destroy them were killed. The Jews and Esther were saved and the people celebrated and gave gifts to one another. Mordecai was promoted to second in command replacing Haman.

Esther did not know that God had a plan for her to save her people. Facing the possibility of her own death, she stepped out in faith and used wisdom in bringing to light Haman’s evil plan. Your challenge may not be as significant as saving your people, but every major challenge should be approached the same way, with prayer, fasting, faith, and courage.

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10

Personal Development Tip Of The Week: “Never Make a Challenge Bigger Than God”

  • Can you remember a time when something challenging or difficult happened to you and you made it so much bigger than it is? 

  • You thought about it constantly, ran scenario after scenario in your head about why this isn’t fair, how am I going to get through this, and story after story almost making this challenge bigger than yourself and your God.

  • Remember, wherever you direct focus, energy followers. If you spend so much time on the problem the problem becomes bigger and bigger. You have to remember that no challenge is bigger than you and your God and you can get through anything with the help of God.

  • When something challenging happens, see it as it is, not bigger than it is. We don’t want to empower our challenges but see them as they are, then work through them with the help of God. No challenge is bigger than our God and when we can start seeing our challenges as opportunities to grow stronger we can take back control.

  • No challenge is bigger than your God and you serve a God of the possible.

Prayer for the week:  

Dear Heavenly Father, with this new week upon us I pray that this person is prepared for what you have coming their way this week lord. Bless this individual to know lord that you might challenge them this week to step out of their comfort zone to get them to where you want them to go. Bless them to lean in and step forward in faith this week lord trusting you because with you all things are possible. This week is going to be a week of increase and explosive blessings lord. I pray your hand of favor and protection over this child of God’s life and their family this week lord in Jesus name amen! 


PS: If you would like more tools and resources to help you get closer to God consider checking out our New 31 Day Devotional Prayer Journal available at

Litwithprayer Weekly
Litwithprayer Podcast
Sharing Bible Stories, Personal Development Tips, and Prayers to help you continue to grow closer to God.