Litwithprayer Weekly
Litwithprayer Podcast
Why the Cross?

Why the Cross?

(Exodus 11 & 12; Matthew 26:26-29)

Why the Cross?

(Exodus 11 & 12; Matthew 26:26-29)

This week has been named Holy week because Christians and Jews around the world celebrate Passover and Christians celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Passover is celebrated to remember the night the death angel was released to kill all the firstborns in Egypt. The Hebrew people, who were slaves in Egypt, were instructed to kill a sacrificial lamb, paint its blood on the door frame of their homes, roast, and eat the lamb that night with their families and friends. They all had to stay in the home. That night the death angel would pass over all the homes that had the blood of the lamb on the door frame and all inside would be saved. The Egyptians, including the Pharaoh (king of Egypt), were struck by the death angel. Each firstborn of every home including Pharaoh's oldest son died that night. It was the final blow that caused Pharaoh to finally let the Hebrew people leave Egypt and their captivity. From that time on the Hebrew/Jewish people would celebrate the Passover every year and remember how they came out of slavery by the hand of God.

When Jesus celebrated Passover with His disciples they didn’t know what was about to happen and they didn’t know what He was telling them. While they were eating, Jesus told them that one of them would betray Him. He also  took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take and eat; this is my body.” 

Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. (Matthew 26:26-28) This meal is referred to as the last supper and today we call it Holy Communion or communion. As Christians, we are to remember that Jesus, who knew no sin,  died a horrible death on the cross to save you and me from our sins. His blood was poured out of His body when He was whipped by the Roman soldiers for our healing. His blood also represented the payment for our sins and represented the New Covenant or Testament. The new covenant meant that animal sacrifices were no longer required because Jesus became the ultimate sacrifice, once and for all.  

But why death on the wooden cross? It was the cruelest slow form of death, a public humiliation, and one that only the Romans performed. The Jews had used stoning as their public means of capital punishment. In the Old Testament, it states that cursed is anyone who hangs from a tree. In the New Testament, it says that Jesus became a curse for us, so any curses that may have crossed our paths, have no legal rights to remain if we have received Jesus as our personal savior.

If you feel that your life is cursed even though you may be a Christian, the good news is that Jesus took all the curses on Himself when He went to the cross.  Many times, our own words or those we have received from others have become curses. In the book of Leviticus, there are blessings and cursings listed under the law. The New Covenant or Testament brings us grace through faith in Jesus Christ. Through Him, we have the blessings and all the curses were put on Jesus. Find the promise or scripture that addresses your situation and become free from all curses in your life. Jesus died but rose from the dead on the third day so that you can have an abundant life. (John 10:10; John 3:16; Galatians 3:13)

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Personal Development Tip of the week: 

Is your story holding you back? Can you remember a time in your life when you started to tell yourself a story about your life that limited your potential and your belief in yourself and your capabilities?

An example of this could be, “Because I failed that important test, I’m just not a good test taker.” Or “Because I didn’t get the job, I'm just never going to be good enough to get a job I really want.”

The story you tell yourself about your life good or bad has the ability to shape so much of your future so you have to be careful not only the story you tell yourself but also the one you believe.

The enemy want’s you to limit your life wherever he can but God wants you to continue to expand all the areas of your life and what’s possible. You expand your life by remembering who you are in Christ and speaking God’s promises over your life daily. 

You can change the story you tell yourself at any moment but remember whatever you repeatedly tell yourself you will begin to believe.

The moment you begin to change your story is the moment you begin to change your life. 

Question for you? What story do you need to stop telling yourself or what story do you need to start telling yourself? 

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Prayer for the week: 

Father God, thank you for this new week you have given me. I remember today Lord the sacrifice you paid for my life, my sins, and my eternal salvation and I am so grateful that you cared and loved me so much. Be with me this week to continue to make good decisions for my life and to be a vessel for your goodness in Jesus name Amen. 

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Do you know Jesus?

If you have never asked Jesus to be the leader of your life and forgive you of all your sins, this is the right time to act. Pray this simple prayer and believe it in your heart: “Dear God, Your Word says that You loved me so much that You sent Your Son Jesus to die on the cross for me. I want to be saved and have all my sins forgiven, past, present, and future. Forgive me now as I receive Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. You promised me salvation and an abundant life. I believe and receive Your free gift. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit and help me grow stronger in You each day, in Jesus name I pray, Amen.” (John 3:16)

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Litwithprayer Weekly
Litwithprayer Podcast
Sharing Bible Stories, Personal Development Tips, and Prayers to help you continue to grow closer to God.